
Wake Up America
It's concerning that Hunter Biden's attorneys and the prosecutors seem to have had cut a deal that gave Hunter broad immunity for the two plea charges. It looks like the judge is standing up for the interest of justice now though. Due to statute of limitations the government is going to have to charge or resolve these issues in the next year. Read More.
John Bachman Now
It's a shame that the American people can't see inside the courthouse while the Hunter Biden agreement is being hashed out. No one has seen the charging document or the plea agreement. There seems to be a little Kabuki theater going on as the government says they're still investigation Hunter so that Congress can't access documents. Read More.
As Americans we have so much to be proud of and thankful for. Read More.
Hunter Biden's lawyer gets caught on balcony with a bong during meeting. Read More.
Go see "Sound of Freedom", It's an incredibly important film! I've been working on human trafficking for over 20 years and the issue is worse now than it's ever been. Read More.
Just Stop Oil gets a surprise reaction from a pregnant woman in London. Read More.
The "Miss Italy" pageant goes traditional Read More.
American Agenda Part 1
Each time news drops about Trump investigations it suspiciously lines up with big information coming out about the Biden's. There are potential recorded phone calls from VP Joe Biden that might becoming out and Devon Archer, Hunter Biden's business partner and friend, is supposed to testify in front of Congress. Read More.
American Agenda Part 2
The American people are going to get the same choice between candidates this presidential cycle as in 2020. However, this time without all of the covid nonsense. Republicans need to use the tools available and not fight with one arm tied behind their back. Read More.
American Agenda Part 3
As we come into an election cycle where the President will possibly be under investigation we're reminded that the DOJ operates independent from the President. There's a methodical process the FBI and DOJ should work under these circumstances. The most problematic investigations are when regular order isn't followed. Read More.
American Agenda Part 4
Israel never adopted a constitution so their Supreme Court has taken over determining what is in the best interest of the country. We're seeing liberals on the court with a super veto at odds with the people of Israel who want to restructure. Read More.
John Bachman Now
Devon Archer could have a lot to share regarding the Biden business dealings. The next layer of the onion is demonstrating how money flowed to Biden family members along with verifying that VP Joe Biden got on the phone with Hunter's partners himself. Read More.
The Faulkner Focus
Hunter Biden's business partner, Devon Archer, could be a key witness for Congress. He could verify the numerous calls VP Joe Biden made on Hunters behalf. Also, the FBI 1023 indicates there are 17 recordings in existence. Devon's testimony is critical. Read More.
Fox News Live
We can't have a two-tiered system of justice. Political differences can not be criminalized or we become a banana republic. The prosecution of Donald Trump is very serious and it's going to take the American people speaking up to stop it. Read More.
Sunday Report
The IRS whistleblowers put their careers on the line to tell the truth about Biden crimes. They were competent, compelling, and credible in their testimony, no one has undermine a single thing they've said. Read More.

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