
FOX & Friends First
The United States is in the most precarious national security situation we've seen since 9/11. The terrorism red lights are flashing. FBI Director Chris Wray and others have warned that terror organizations could very well attack our homeland soon. We need to wake up to the threat environment and act before something horrific happens. Read More.
The Bottom Line
Kimberly Cheatle has resigned as Director of the Secret Service, however, Alejandro Mayorkas also bears responsibility for what happened in Butler, PA. Mayorkas came out the day after only to offer untruths to the American public. Alehandro Mayorkas has had a long line of failures including illegal immigration, human trafficking, and drug importation into the United States. Read More.
President Trump Michigan Rally
Donald Trump's policies are common sense. The America First policies he put's forward work for ordinary Americans. Their purpose is to raise the middle class and give everyone who wants one a job so that they can provide for their family. We have a beautiful country created by our visionary Founding Fathers and the goal is to continue the system into the future and hand something better off to the next generation. Read More.
Saturday Report
The left does not want to follow the Constitution. Judge Cannon's opinion was very well reasoned. Presidential appointees and those with police powers must be appointed by the President and confirmed with the consent of the Senate. That's not what happened in Jack Smith's case. Read More.
American Agenda
Democrats have left middle America for policies designed for coastal elites. No matter who the Democrat candidate ends up being, at the end of the day, the Republican Party has become the party of the American worker. I come from that tradition and I'm very proud of that! Read More.
John Bachman Now
We're going to need extreme transparency when it comes to the investigation into the assassination attempt on Donald Trump. There were clearly inexcusable failures. Every member of Congress should be for accountability and responsibility. This is bigger than Donald Trump or Joe Biden, the Secret Service is the gold standard of executive protection, too many people receive protection to have a failure at this catastrophic level. Read More.
The Evening Edit
A very powerful moment happened last night when the names of the 13 soldiers, who tragically lost their life during the Afghan withdrawal, were read before those in attendance at the RNC. We cannot forget these heroes nor abandon these families. We need to show them every chance we get how grateful we are for their unimaginable sacrifice for our great nation. Read More.
The Bottom Line
Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle does not want to take responsibility for the massive security failure last week in Pennsylvania. American's need absolute transparency on this investigation to know what happened, where the failings were, and who's responsible. The Congressional investigation of this event is the most likely to produce the answers we need. Read More.
Mornings with Maria
Nobody is taking responsibility for a situation that allowed a former US President to be shot at. I love the men and woman of law enforcement but we have to have transparency in this investigation. The cellphone footage from independent citizens is very damning. We need to come together and fix this so it never happens again. Read More.
America’s Newsroom
God had his hands around Donald Trump Saturday. An assassination attempt on a former president is a failure on many levels. The investigation into this event must be transparent and thorough. We need to know how this could possibly happen. This will take a lot of work but we need to make sure this can never happen again. Read More.
Mornings With Maria Bartiromo
This is the most dangerous national security situation the U.S. has been in since 9/11. Ten million people or more have come across our border illegally. This is destabilizing and makes us less safe. I worry every day about terrorist incidents, coordinated or uncoordinated, on American soil. It's very dangerous to allow these folks to remain in our country. Read More.
Rob Schmitt Tonight
Joe Biden might have more control over when he leaves office than most people hope. Biden has already won a significant amount of delegates and will control them at the convention. A lot of what's going on has to do with preserving the corpus of the Biden/Harris campaign cash. If Joe Biden is the nominee, but steps aside, the cash can go to Kamala. However, if he steps aside before becoming the nominee it doesn't. Read More.
Saturday Report
There's a lot of dangerous and reckless hyperbole from the left after recent SCOTUS decisions. They invested tremendously in lawfare against Trump in the hopes of sidelining him during campaign season and it's blown up in there faces. Their tactics weren't just overly aggressive, but illegal, and the Supreme Court told them as much. Read More.
The Chris Salcedo Show
Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey is bold in bringing a lawsuit against New York for the case against Donald Trump. This isn't the only problem the New York case has though. The recent ruling at the Supreme Court requires that Judge Merchan goes through the entire case to ensure there's not immune testimony. Judge Merchan was loose with testimony, he likely tripped over this several times. Read More.
Wake Up America
The 25th Amendment is on the table for Joe Biden. However, cabinet officials in the Biden administration will have a hard time pulling the trigger because he gave them their jobs. Dropping out of the 2024 race is solely Joe Biden's decision. He has won all the primaries leading up to the convention and is going to Chicago with enough delegates to win the nomination. Read More.

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