
America Reports Pt 2
The Trump case ultimately might end up at the Supreme Court. Most likely the Trump team will appeal to SCOTUS and then they will have a choice to take it up immediately or let it work its way through the Court of Appeals. The New York Courts of Appeal will have to pretzel themselves to explain the 5th and 6th Amendment violations. Read More.
Rob Schmitt Tonight
Our Founding Fathers created a system that we inherited through generations and it's our job to preserve it. The left is trying to deconstruct it at every turn. We're going to have to fight harder than we ever have before, our country's future depends on it. Read More.
Mornings With Maria Bartiromo
Today is a sad day in American history. I'm concerned for the future of our country. This isn't the United States system of justice. The verdict against Donald Trump was unprecedented and we're all going to have to do unprecedented things to maintain and restore our Republic. Read More.
The idea that the jury doesn't need to be unanimous concerning what crime Donald Trump was allegedly covering up is outrageous. The defendant is entitled to notice of what crimes they're being charged with. The theory of the case allows for one of three things, none of which were included in the indictment. So now the jury is allowed to choose their adventure. Read More.
The Faulkner Focus Pt 1
The Southern District of New York and Alvin Bragg's predecessor both passed on Trump's case in New York. The alleged crimes had past the statute of limitations, for years. Now Joe Biden is using this trial to message, sending his surrogates to have press conferences outside the courthouse. It's obvious to everyone that this was brought by Democrats who want to try and inflict political pain on Trump. Read More.
The Faulkner Focus Pt 2
Judge Merchan has clearly violated federal law in his instructions. Ramos v. Louisiana and Andres v. United States hold that you have to be unanimous in all the elements of a crime. The jury has been given a menu to choose from here instead. This is offensive to the rule of law and clearly suggests the judge is putting his thumb dramatically on the scale. Read More.
Wake Up America
Donald Trump is being prosecuted in New York based on federal election law. States cannot enforce federal laws. Judge Merchan prevented an expert witness on federal election law from testifying on behalf of Donald Trump in this case. Judge Merchan has demonstrated at every turn that he is trying to force a conviction against Donald Trump. Read More.
Morning in America
Judge Merchan's jury instructions were confusing so this morning the jury will have to rehear some of the instructions. Federal law says, and the U.S. Supreme Court has confirmed, that you need to be unanimous in all the elements of a crime in order to convict someone. Judge Merchan has instructed the opposite. It's perplexing to have the possibility of taking someones liberty away for a crime that a jury can't agree on. Read More.
Varney & Co
The biggest problem for the prosecution in Trump's New York case has been their legal theory. All the way through the case witnesses were heard who could not put their thumb on a crime. During the state's meandering summation yesterday the state looked like they were throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what would stick. Read More.
America Reports
The Biden campaign using Robert De Niro highlights the political nature of this case against Donald Trump. The Biden team hopes that they can squeeze out a conviction from this New York jury. At the end of the day the American people are living under Joe Biden's economy, they're seeing war breakout worldwide, and there's no leadership from the White House. Americans have seen the fruits of both candidate's policies and Americans want Trump. Read More.
Fox News Live
The jury instructions for Trump's trial in New York were given last week but have not been made public. Ultimately, this decision relies on Michael Cohen's untrustworthy testimony. The jury will be left with a choice of believing Cohen's third different telling of the story or acquitting Donald Trump. This trial was an attempt to keep Donald Trump off the campaign trail, and like every other challenge before him, Trump eats it like an energy bar and keeps moving forward. Read More.
Wake Up America Weekend
This holiday weekend we honor those who gave the alternate sacrifice for the defense of our country. We appreciate everything our veterans give and everything their families endure. We will never forget you! Read More.
Judge Merchan is conducting a show trial. He's clearly pulling for the prosecution and clearly wants this case to be a verdict against Donald Trump. The American people see through this, there's no legal theory supported by the evidence.The star witness is not only a convicted liar, but also admitted to stealing $60,000 from Donald Trump during the trial. I'm guessing the jury will see through all of this as well. Read More.
Rob Schmitt Tonight
Donald Trump is serious about securing the border and deporting those here illegally. This can be done by prioritizing the 2 million 'gotaways' and violent criminals. After that, he can look at those who have filed bogus asylum claims and having those that have hearing dates far in the future wait outside the country for their hearing. These policies would help clean Joe Biden's mess up quickly. Read More.
The entire situation surrounding the Mar-a-Lago raid by the FBI is corrupt. It's a travesty that lethal force was considered at all for a raid that wasn't necessary in the first place. Joe Biden had similar records at various residences and he only received a phone call. I'm glad that Judge Cannon is willing to hear the selective prosecution argument by the Trump team for this case. Read More.

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