
Mornings With Maria Bartiromo
Joe Biden's strategy for winning reelection mostly centered on winning lawfare cases against Donald Trump. All of these prosecutors overreached in the hopes of getting Trump convicted so it could impact the 2024 election. The SCOTUS presidential immunity ruling is a win for American rule of law. Read More.
The Ingraham Angle
Jack Smith overreached with his indictment of Donald Trump through use of novel legal theories that have never been used before. Smith's theory that a president has no immunity from any act goes against more than 230 years of American law. The Supreme Court ruling was a very common sense approach to the issue. Read More.
Prime News
For over 230 years presidents have enjoyed immunity, not a single one had been charged with crimes. The left has taken up a lawfare strategy against Donald Trump and charged him with 4 different indictments in 4 different jurisdictions. The Supreme Court's ruling on Presidential Immunity is all about preserving the rule of law in America. Read More.
FOX & Friends First
Our immigration system is broken because Joe Biden is unwilling to enforce the laws on the books. The Trump administration had this under control. Biden rolled back almost 100 executive orders to undue the progress Trump made on the border. One quick way to regain control of the border would be to reinstate Trump era policies. Read More.
Wake Up America Weekend
The Supreme Court is expected to rule on presidential immunity soon. This is actually a fast case. SCOTUS expedited it and scheduled the first hearing within a month of getting the case. The Supreme Court is very deliberate and the certainly understand the historical precedent and context that they find themselves in with this case. Read More.
Fox News Live
Joe Biden was a disaster in the presidential debate and the White House has been trying to cover it up. Congress is right to enforce its subpoena of Merrick Garland through an inherent contempt vote, the Founding Father's expected this to happen. Congress has every right to the Hurr tapes of Joe Biden and to share them with the American people. Read More.
Wake Up America
July 11th is Donald Trump's sentencing in New York. Judge Merchan knows that if he puts Trump in jail it will only make him stronger. Not only would supporters rally around President Trump, but America's eyes would be opened completely to the election interference taking place by the Biden Administration. Read More.
The Ingraham Angle
The full force of the government is only ever used on conservatives. Pro-lifers, parents at school board meetings, Catholics -- the list goes on, it's unfortunate. There are hundreds of lawyers at the DoJ that could take on cases of antisemitism but Merrick Garland refuses. Americans are waking up to Joe Biden's two-tier system of justice. Read More.
The Chris Salcedo Show
Our Founding Fathers fully intended on Congress exercising its power. Congress should vote on Merrick Garland's inherent contempt and then send the Sergeant at Arms to get him. Somehow along the way the DoJ started taking these cases and applying their political lens to it. Merrick Garland has done the same thing Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro were convicted of. Read More.
Varney & Co.
The Supreme Court is set to announce its decision on presidential immunity any day. I think we're going to see the Court being thoughtful to the impact this decision will have on future generations and less focused on how it effects Donald Trump. The consideration will be how it impacts the presidency in the future and how we maintain our Republic. Read More.
Fox & Friends First
Joe Biden's radical open border policy has allowed millions of unvetted individuals to flow into the United States. Rachel Morin is the most recent tragic example of the consequences to Biden's policy. The administration is unwilling to confront real issues. Instead, Biden just ignores the crime, death, and destruction. Read More.
Fox News @ Night
None of Joe Biden's border policies have a positive impact on national security or public safety for the United States. Every citizen who's victim to a crime committed by an illegal immigrant is unnecessary and should never happen. Joe Biden does not have the power to do this unilaterally, only Congress can give these legal protections. Read More.
Sunday Report
The White House should be concerned about Hunter's September tax trial. You would expect during the trial to hear about the tens of millions in revenue that was laundered through LLC's to children and grandchildren of Joe Biden. That evidence being talked about publicly will change the narrative of a campaign heading into an election. Read More.
Wake Up America
Our Founding Fathers never intended for the Executive Branch to enforce Congressional subpoenas. Congress should be enforcing their own subpoenas by sending out the Sergeant at Arms. Historically this is how it was done but Congress seems unwilling to do so today. Congress has become the weakest of the three branches while it was intended to be the strongest. Read More.
Saturday Report
Merrick Garland has placed himself above the law. You cannot have Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro prosecuted for contempt of Congress and then ignore the House this time. This is another perfect example of our two-tiered justice system. Merrick Garland is not above the law. Read More.

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