
Fox & Friends First | Fox News
It's a concerning precedent for a local DA to take up a federal case that two federal agencies have already passed on. If this case is allowed to proceed it opens the door for thousands of other DA's to go after their political opponents... Read More.
Wake Up America | Newsmax
The Southern District of New York looked at the same evidence before Alvin Bragg and decided it wasn't substantiated. This should get really interesting when Bragg has to prove a Federal Election case in state law. Read More.
Cavuto Live | Fox News
This is the first time a former President has ever been charged. There are major security risks for the Secret Service to mitigate... Read More.
The Count | Newsmax
When Third World countries are making fun of the way we treat political opponents it's a dark day in America. History is being made before our eyes... Read More.
Spicer & Co | Newsmax
We're going to look back at the Trump indictment as a black mark on the rule of law in the US. We'll find out if the American justice system can handle something as significant as this... Read More.
The National Report | Newsmax
We woke up to a new world in American law enforcement after Trump's indictment by Alvin Bragg. It's going to take a lot us to restore the rule of law in the United States... Read More.
Varney & Co | Fox Business
Alvin Bragg's felony charges are federal and have already been reviewed by the FEC and SDNY. His novel theories are not likely to go very far upon scrutiny... Read More.
Wake Up America | Newsmax
Donald Trump has officially been indicted. There will be a flurry of motions filed and this will certainly be a circus, but the real question is if we have now crossed the Rubicon... Read More.
Eric Bolling The Balance | Newsmax
History will not treat Alvin Bragg well, this is a dark day for all Americans. The prosecution is going to have to prove there was an election violation here after the FEC and SDNY saw nothing... Read More.
Greg Kelly Reports | Newsmax
Alvin Bragg is pursuing an untested theory based on evidence the FEC and SDNY both passed on. Trump is dangerous to the establishment and they're taking us down a dark path trying to stop him... Read More.
Rob Schmitt Tonight | Newsmax
The indictment of former President Donald Trump is a grave day in American history. There is no case here for Alvin Bragg... Read More.
Eric Bolling The Balance | Newsmax
The case against Trump is weak, the easiest part for Alvin Bragg will be getting past the grand jury... Read More.
Wake Up America | Newsmax
Not only is there likely no crime here, ultimately the heartache and pain this will bring to the nation is a dangerous use of prosecutorial power... Read More.
Sunday Morning Futures With Maria Bartiromo | Fox News
When prosecutors target people instead of crimes we're in very dangerous territory, the Trump case is a prime example of two-tier justice in the United States. Congress has legitimate interest in this case. Read More.
Saturday Report | Newsmax TV
Alvin Bragg's star witness has undercut the case against President Trump... Read More.

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