
Wake Up America Weekend | Newsmax
The President of the United States is the unitary executive. President Trump had the ability to declassify documents, Vice President Biden didn't have this same ability. Read More.
Varney & Co | Fox Business
Congress needs to stand up for itself. The White House stonewalling on releasing visitor logs to Biden's Delaware home is ridiculous... Read More.
The Evening Edit | Fox Business Network
The government can not use a private company to do anything it can't do itself. The Twitter Files show a big First Amendment issue for Americans here. Read More.
American Agenda | Newsmax
What is the content of Joe Biden's classified documents? When Trump was raided we were informed immediately about what was found... Read More.
Fox & Friends First | Fox News Channel
Why did the White House indicate the search for documents was completed and what were investigators looking for initially? The content of these documents matter. Read More.
Fox News Live | Fox News Channel
Every step of the way it has appeared that the DoJ tried to suppress the Biden documents as it pursued Trump. Read More.
The Count | Newsmax
More documents were found in Biden's home office. The more we hear about this situation the more it appears intentional... Read More.
Wake Up America Weekend | Newsmax
The government can not use corporations to do things it can't do itself, it's unconstitutional. We need Congress to hold agencies accountable... Read More.
The Ingraham Angle | Fox News
Nothing about the discovery of Biden's classified materials makes sense. There are a lot of questions that the White House will need to answer... Read More.
Saturday Report | Newsmax
The timeline for Biden's classified documents is extremely suspicious. I don't believe Merrick Garland ever thought this issue would come to light... Read More.
The Faulkner Focus | Fox News Channel
President Trump could have declassified documents at any time. Vice President Biden did not have a similar ability... Read More.
Mornings with Maria | Fox Business
The DoJ's two-tiered system of justice is very problematic. The difference in treatment between Trump and Bide is already apparent... Read More.
Tucker Carlson Tonight | Fox News
The key question around Biden's document scandal is if the standard of the statute will be applied... Read More.
Cavuto Coast to Coast | Fox Business Network
The rules need to be applied the same between Biden and Trump or it demonstrates a clear two-tiered system of justice. Merrick Garland has a tough test in front of him... Read More.
Wake Up America | Newsmax
It appears that Joe Biden was trying to conceal the classified documents in question. How Merrick Garland handles this will be very interesting to watch... Read More.

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