
Dick Morris Democracy | Newsmax
Alvin Bragg is pursuing a case against Donald Trump that the SDNY took a pass on, a fair jury would never convict. Read More.
Wake Up America | Newsmax
It's surprising to see a DA try to prosecute a case against a former President of the United States with no evidence. The SDNY looked at the same evidence and thought there was nothing there... Read More.
The Count | Newsmax
The Southern District of New York already looked at this case and decided there was nothing there. This prosecution makes us look like a third-world banana republic... Read More.
Prime News | Newsmax
Congress is doing great work uncovering Biden family business dealings with China, law enforcement now needs to step up... Read More.
The Evening Edit | Fox Business
The White House has big problems as more information comes out about the Biden business dealings... Read More.
The Bottom Line | Fox Business
The investigation into the Biden family has widened considerably. Business dealings with China and Ukraine are correctly being scrutinized. Read More.
Wake Up America | Newsmax
The Southern District of New York has already looked at the Trump case and concluded there is nothing there, this is a vindictive prosecution by the Manhattan DA... Read More.
John Bachman Now | Newsmax
The FISA Court ok'd an improper warrant against Carter Page during Russiagate. Section 702 is concerning and needs to be looked at very closely as it comes up for renewal... Read More.
The Evening Edit | Fox Business Network
The rioters in Atlanta came from other states and even other countries. We should not be allowing "Autonomous Zones" to exist around the country. Read More.
Wake Up America Weekend | Newsmax
Conservatives are being targeted while criminals on the left are being protected at the DoJ. Read More.
Spicer & Co. | Newsmax
Merrick Garland was insincere in describing the DoJ's priorities. It's been clear that there are vastly different approaches to criminal behavior from the political left and right. Read More.
Wake Up America | Newsmax
Merrick Garland has politicized the Department of Justice. The AG is not up to the task of addressing America's two-tier justice system. Read More.
Greg Kelley Reports | Newsmax
The case against President Trump in Georgia was weak to begin with. The media blitz by this wild jury forewoman completely undercuts the credibility of the prosecutor... Read More.
The Evening Edit | Fox Business Network
The forewoman for the Georgia grand jury against former President Trump has certainly undermined the prosecution in that case... Read More.
Mornings with Maria | Fox Business Network
The damage done by letting China send intelligence balloons over the United States is incalculable and the Biden administration won't address it. Read More.

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