
Wake Up America | Newsmax
James Clapper's reputation has been eroded over the years. It was clear at the time, the 51 intelligence officials covering for the Biden family were trying to affect the 2020 presidential election... Read More.
The Chris Salcedo Show | Newsmax
China is laughing at the disfunction in the Biden administration as their spy balloon was able to operate unencumbered over sensitive sites across America... Read More.
Wake Up America Weekend | Newsmax
Mike Pence will likely now need a special counsel appointed as well. The DoJ needs a smarter and more discerning leader at its helm... Read More.
Fox Business Network | Mornings with Maria
The Biden administration has given no explanation as to why the Chinese balloon was allowed to cross the entire country before being shot down... Read More.
The Evening Edit | Fox Business Network
The Biden family is standing behind very carefully worded statements when it comes to Hunter's infamous laptops... Read More.
American Agenda | Newsmax
Now it's imperative we find out what Joe Biden's classified documents pertained too... Read More.
Wake Up America | Newsmax
Congress has a legitimate need to create legislation after the recent classified document scandals, they need to start issuing subpoenas... Read More.
The Count | Newsmax
It has begun! Trump has started important early work in South Carolina on his way to the Presidency in 2024... Read More.
Varney & Co | Fox Business
The content of Joe Biden's classified documents is extremely important. If they have any application to Hunter Biden's business interests this is a very serious problem... Read More.
Rob Schmitt Tonight | Newsmax
Documents from the time Joe Biden was Senator is a game changer. This destroys any defense he had that this was inadvertent mistake... Read More.
The Evening Edit | Fox Business Network
The White House can't stop this. Congress controls the funding. If push comes to shove, the legislative branch is going to win... Read More.
Wake Up America | Newsmax
There is a very concerning pattern developing with the Biden classified documents being found... Read More.
The Count | Newsmax
The White House and Joe Biden knew they had a problem with these documents during Mar-a-Lago. They clearly thought it would never come to light... Read More.
Wake Up America Weekend | Newsmax
The President of the United States is the unitary executive. President Trump had the ability to declassify documents, Vice President Biden didn't have this same ability. Read More.
Varney & Co | Fox Business
Congress needs to stand up for itself. The White House stonewalling on releasing visitor logs to Biden's Delaware home is ridiculous... Read More.

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