
Wake Up America
The necessary reforms to prevent the FBI from ever unleashing another Russia Hoax have not been implemented. In fact, those who perpetrated this on the American public have profited substantially. Read More.
Eric Bolling The Balance
The biggest threat to the rule of law is Democrats that don't believe big changes need to be made across the government. We need bipartisan partnerships to make changes at the FBI and all federal law enforcement agencies... Read More.
Wake Up America
The media is not covering the intention disaster at the border like it should be. Some immigrants are given a court date 10 years into the future. The chaos is overwhelming... Read More.
American Agenda
The Durham Report outlines one of the most outrageous moments in American history. The only thing left is accountability of the individuals who perpetrated this hoax. Read More.
John Bachman Now
Biden has been unserious about border security since he took office. He has removed every effective policy Trump had in place. The only conclusion is that open borders is the point. Read More.
Wake Up America
Donald Trump is fighting against an institution in New York of voters who overwhelmingly voted for his opponents. It's important for his team to get the case in front of less impassioned judges. Read More.
The Chris Salcedo Show
Without the rule of law our country becomes a banana republic. We need people of good faith sound mind to step up and make sure the law is enforced.... Read More.
Varney & Co | Fox Business
It's outrageous that the individuals highlighted in the Durham Report have paid no consequences. The FBI haven't fixed the systemic problems and this will likely happen again if it's not addressed... Read More.
Fox News Channel
John Durham's final report is here and to see it laid out should chill everyone. This is a big problem right now, federal law enforcement is unwilling to do things by the book and follow regular order. Read More.
Fox News Tonight | Fox News
The rank and file FBI agents out working cases are great people. The leadership of the FBI didn't like Donald Trump and would do anything to get him. It lead to one of the most catastrophic periods in American history... Read More.
Varney & Co | Fox Business
Where is the FBI when it comes to payments made to the Biden family from foreign nations and foreign actors? Family's being enriched based on the service of one of their members is a quintessential example of corruption. Read More.
Wake Up America | Newsmax
It's more important than ever to fight back against the threat of globalism enforced by multi-national cooperations. We can do this through the preservation of local culture and defense of liberty... Read More.
Fox News at Night | Fox News
The Biden Administration is not serious about securing the border. Biden has rolled back every measure the Trump administration put in place to stop the massive flow of immigrants pouring over the border... Read More.
Wake Up America | Newsmax
It's extraordinarily surprising that Merrick Garland would step in to block Hunter Biden's alleged tax fraud case. The rule of law is not being followed because the AG is constantly politically involved... Read More.
Mornings with Maria | Fox Business
Corruption within the Biden administration is rampant and widespread. Joe Biden and his top staff refuse to set effective policy because they are influenced by our adversaries... Read More.

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